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Christ follower. Wife. Mama to Olivia. 2 fur babies. Lover of life. Recovering impulse shopper. Pinterest recipe and idea finder/addict. Mediocre blogger. Photography, fashion, recipe, and teaching blog stalker. Here to share about all things life related.
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Let the Hallelujah chorus begin...almost...

Let me just say, YESSSSS! For my teacher friends, specifically my upper grade teacher friends you know what I'm referring to. The dreaded STAAR test is done! Well, for Math and Reading that is. I am relieved. It was really awesome to see those kids just take a breath of relief (um, and myself) when it was all over. Even though we won't know the results for a while it's still nice to know that we can relax for a minute after all our hard work getting (hopefully) where we needed to be! Being my first year in a testing grade AND the first year of the STAAR it really was a challenge to get these kids prepared. Before the year started being told, "Ask more higher level questions." and "They need to learn to think!" and, "It's going to be more rigorous!" Really freaks a girl out especially when your just learning the curriculum! I just pray they took something from all the hard work they have put into this year. Here's our YouTube video our school made for test motivation. It's so cute! I'm a proud teacher. (don't worry, their parents ok'd it for them to be on film :))

1 comment:

  1. So glad it's over! Cute video with the Star Wars music! And love their take on the Beatles song!!!
