..............WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!!! AHHH!!!! I've been holding it in/restricting myself from social media outlets in fear of revealing it too early. My entire family didn't even find out until last week...it's been killing me, but at 12 weeks and after an awesome dr. appt today, it's time to let it out! So many people I know have been either having babies (holler, I'm an auntie, thanks Katie! And my sweet friend Skyla just had her beautiful girl) or people have been sharing their wonderful news via facebook/instagram and I literally want to scream because I've been holding in the same news! It's so neat sharing this stage of life with people you know and love. So, here's my challenge, I really want to keep blogging about it to remember this special time in our lives and to share it with friends and family that I don't see often. Let's be real here, I don't foresee a cute chalkboard or awesome bump pics in my future so don't get your hopes up. I don't think this will be a pinterest worth pregnancy blog. But hopefully people that I know and love will be able to see what's going on in our lives during this crazy/amazing/surreal time in life! So, stick with me and read all about baby Henk!! He or she will be there March 17! We'll see when this little Henk decides to join us :)
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First picture of baby Henk looking like a baby and not a peanut!!! |
Let's watch the progression of Mama Henk's weight gain thus far, shall we?
How far along? 12 Weeks 4 daysTotal weight gain/loss: 3-5ish lbs gained
Maternity clothes? I have a few things (thanks Mimi!), haven't really worn any and the belly band!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Great..crazy dreams though!
Best moment this week: being 12 weeks!!! and seeing baby Henk moving around today at my appt...he/she was having a dance party. Not sure who's rhythm it has yet :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Lately, sushi. Oh, and feeling normal all the time.
Movement: Can't feel it yet, saw it today though :)
Food cravings: Carbs..cereal..and zebra cakes? weird...
Anything making you queasy or sick: red meat...I can barely type it.
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender prediction: Girl - next appt we will find out!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On...unless I forget it at home. Oops...
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender & feeling the baby move!
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