1) seeing your kids succeed/that "light bulb moment"
2) when that one child tells you "You're the best teacher."
If you know me, you know how much I L.O.V.E my job, there just comes a time in every teacher's life when you just get to the point where you think "I NEED A BREAK!" (Yes, I even said it in all caps in my head) This lovely perk on the horizon is Spring Break. Spring Break comes at the perfect time of year. The weather is (most of the time) getting warmer, the kids (and teachers) are getting antsy, and it's just what you need to finish out the rest of the year strong. My teacher friends understand. :)
Now, I don't quite have the same view of Spring Break as I did when I was in school. Spring break was something I LIVED for to hang out with friends, have slumber parties, watch all the TV I wanted and snacked to my hearts content. These days, not so much. No, you will not find me by a pool (especially not with this winter blast that blew in today). No, you will not find me on a luxurious vacay, seeing all the sights (but if you have one available, I'll take it off your hands). No, you will not find me elbow deep in cheezits. For me, the one thing I look forward to on this break is SLEEP! Can't a sista get some zzz's? Now my sweet husband is quite the night owl, undiagnosed insomniac, who loves a good talk at night. I LOVE those talks LIVE for those talks, but when that alarm starts chiming at 5:30 (then again at 5:45, I'm a snooze buttoner) I literally have to coax myself out of bed. So, sleeping in will be just what the doctor ordered.
However, we are taking one short trip over break. Tomorrow we will be leaving to go to my husband's hometown. It's not just your average trip to the in-laws (who are amazing, by the way), no, Desi's brother is in town. His brother is in the Army and has been over seas for almost 6 months and thankfully gets a short 15 day leave to come home. So we're taking advantage of the short 4 hour drive and going for a visit. We have skyped with him a little while he's been gone, but there's really going to be nothing like seeing him home and safe. We are all thrilled! I know my sweet Mother-in-love is just beside herself. I tell you what, I have a totally new appreciation for our service men and women. God bless them!
Another awesome thing about this break is my grandparents are having their 50th anniversary party Sunday. Wow, 50 years! Can you imagine? That's quite the accomplishment these days. Seeing my Grandad still make my Mimi giggle uncontrollably is so sweet. They may seem like the typically "old married couple"from the outside. But, being the people watcher I am, I have noticed so much love that they still share. It's truly so amazing to me. How they still kiss each other good-bye and finish each others sentences. I can't wait to see them share their big day on Sunday!
My GP's
I mentioned in my last post about buying the Hunger Games books (love me a good easy read teen novel haha), they should be delivered within the next couple of days. I heard about these books a while back from the same person who got me started with the Twilight books, but I'm pretty stubborn sometimes and won't do it until I'm ready. SO, when the movie trailer came out I was hooked! I thought about it and over analyzed buying them for weeks then one day I just did it and they should be here soon. I'm pretty excited! Ready to prop my feet up and read, something I don't get to enjoy too much during the school year. Has anyone read them? What do you think?
That's all, I hope everyone has a Fabulous Friday tomorrow!!! Happy Spring Break! YES!
Yay for Spring Break! Mine started today... SO excited! And The Hunger Game books are ADDICTING! I found myself thinking about the plot lines over and over again... such a nerd! Enjoy!